The Command Control System is required to transmit frequency modulated
command or destruct signals maneuverable re-entry vehicles.

The antenna

will be positioned automatically by data from the Synchro Bus or manually
by the transmitter operator.


A digital computer, in addition to the AN/TPQ-18 Radar computer, is
required for impact prediction, command control, conversion of trajectory
information to orbital or ballistic parameters, acquisition computation,

refraction corrections, and reduction of meteorological data.

A computer

which is modular in construction is desired, so that it can be tailored

to meet specific system requirements and provides the capability for easy

The RCA 4101 computer in the AN/TPC-18 Radar can edit and

smooth the data, convert from geocentric coordinates to local polar

coordinates and vice versa, and correct for the system errors.

As previously mentioned in paragraph 6.2, a meteorological launch

facility will be installed and the GMD-1B will be converted to a GMD-4
in FY 66,

Assuming that these plans are completed, the required meteoro-

logical measurements will be provided.

The Intra-site Communications will provide the distribution of

data and operational voice communication between systems, as required.
The distribution of the voice communication will be controlled at the
Communication Center.

A communication link must be provided from the


Select target paragraph3