providing the required position and velocity accuracies to approximately
1,000,000 ft depending in the R/V trajectory.

The refraction uncertainties

will be corrected and considerably reduced.
During the terminal phase, a beacon tracking problem is definitely

This problem basically involves polarization mismatch and

antenna pattern mills which degrades the radar's trackihg performance.
Therefore, this radar will be provided with Polarization Diversity
Reception (PDR) and Polarization Alternation of Transmission (PAT).
The PDR provides the capability for simultaneous reception of two
orthogonal polarizations and the PAT provides the capability for
transmissions which have successive pulses (or successive coded pulse
groups) that alternate between two orthogonal polarizations so as to
provide essentially the same benefits at a radar beacon having only

a single receiver and a single antenna (or antenna arzay) which PDR
by that beacon would provide.

In other words, the PAT soives: the

problem at the radar beacon's receiving antenna and the PDR solves
the problem at the radar's receiving antenna.
Acquisition will be accomplished by the use of pointing information which will be computed from the launch and midcourse metric

This information will be transmitted to kniwetok by teletype.

A VHF telemetry acquisition aid will be required for the radar as an
acquisition back-up.

Cne VHF PCM/FM/FM link is required for receiving and recording from

300,000 ft to impact as stated in Appendix A.

Appendix B is from 600,000 ft thru impact.


The interval given in

The prop@sed telemetry

Select target paragraph3