
Plan for Instrumentation Complex


The existing instrumentation capabilities on the Eniwetok Atoll

consist of the Optical and Photographic coverage, the All Weather Impact

Location System (AWILS), the SPN-8A Radar, and the GMD-1B.
The Optical and Photographic coverage consist of three Mobile

Optical Tracking Units (MOTU), three Askania Anetheodolites, and

Optical and Photographic MILS (Missile Impact Location System).
The Optical and Photographic MILS consist of a series of 35mm cameras
and transits on Runit Island, Parry Island, and Eniwetok Island.


systems are presently operational in fair weather and daylight hours.
The AWILS consist of seven hydrophones which



at the bottom of the lagoon and attached to buoys at the surface.
This system is installed and presently undergoing evaluation.

The AN/SPN-8A Radar was installed on Elmer Tower (Parry Island)
as an interim impact location system to meet an operational requirement.

This system is installed and is presently undergoing evaluation.
The GMD-1B provides data on the upper atmosphere.

Data from the

CMD-1B is raw and involves lengthy computations before it can be used.
This system is presently operational.
In addition to the existing instrumentation capabilities, a recovery
capability does exist at Eniwetok.

Systems planned for the kniwetok Atoll in FY 66 consists of the

installation of a Meteorological Sounding Rocket Facility and the
conversion of the GMD-1B to a GMD-4.

Prior to FY 67 a payload for

the meteorological rocket which is compatible with the GMD-4 is
expected to be developed.

Therefore, a radar to track this pay-

load would not be required.

Select target paragraph3