
Program Requirements


The AFWTR mission is to provide range support for launch operations, and

provide tracking and data collection facilities for missile and space vehicles
programs to the Range Users.

In carrying out this mission, the AFWTR provides

the Range Users with services involving precise instrumentation (trajectory,

telemetry, etc.), data handling and processing, and instrumentation systems
for Range Safety as well as logistic support in certain locations where
other military or government resources do not suffice.

These various range

services directly support the development and evaluation of satellite, space
vehicles, and ballistic missiles as well as operational training of SAC
missile crew.

Present programs on the WIR reouire stringent terminal data.


programs will also require stringent data in the terminal area.
The Kwajalein Atoll is the only long-range impact area which is
instrumented to handle programs which require terminal data other than

The Kwajalein complex must support the development of an anti-

missile missile and project PRESS, and will be unable to support all
programs requiring terminal instrumentation coverage.

The Kwajalein

complex presently does not have a recovery capability.
The Advanced Minuteman program is scheduled to impact into the
kniwetok Lagoon and requires stringent terminal data, and recovery of

the R/V.

These requirements are Class I.

Therefore, the Eniwetok Atoll

must be properly instrumented to perform the mission of the WIR and to
support the Advanced Minuteman program.

Also, this instrumentation

complex would support programs which cannot be supported by the Kwajalein
complex due to its workload or for range safety reasons.


Select target paragraph3