
Problem Areas


Several problems will be encountered for the planned terminal instru-

mentation complex in the Eniwetok Atoll.

These problems are the very

marginal base support available, the lack of a usable deep water pier,
and water taxi service between Eniwetok Island and Parry Island.

The present primary problem is the Base Support Operation and

Maintenance (O0&) contract which is held by Global Associates.


to the transfer of the range from the Navy to the Air Force, the
existing base support O&M contract is presently administered by the
Army at Huntsville, Alabama and is not suffieciently funded to provide
even a marginal base support capability.

The AFWIR, as the host of the

Eniwetok Atoll, must also support the tenant organizations,


the base support O&M contractor must also support the Coast Guard, the
Marine Biological Lab of the Atomic Energy Commhission, the Southwest
Pacific Survey Team (AST-7), the Navy Airborne Press Operations Group

(NAPOG), Military Air Transport Service (MATS), the Military Sea Transport Service (MSTS) and the Weather Bureau.

Additional funds would be

required for the base support O&M contract in order to adequately support
the planned instrumentation complex.

A second major problem is that there is not available sufficient

quarters to support the additional contractor personnel which would be
required to prepare the sites, and install and operate the instrumentation system which will be proposed therein.

The present messing

facilities could be expanded to support the additional personnel.
However, additional recreational facilities would probably be required.


Select target paragraph3