year-old female (#18) who was 21 years of age
at exposure and a 21-year-old female (#72) who
was 6 years of age at exposure. This latter case
presented the first malignant thyroid lesion noted
in the group ofheavily exposed children, who have
the highest incidence of benign lesions. These
recent findings greatly increase the concern about
The third malignantlesion was in a woman from
Utirik Island. Since the dose of radiation received
by that group was very low,it is highly improbable

that this lesion is attributable to radiation exposure.

Surgical Exploration of Thyroid Nodules
Thyroid operations have been preformedat the

following times: 3 in 1964,* 3 in 1965,** 5 in
1966,** 4 in 1968,** and 5 in 1969.+ (Hospital

summariesof cases operated in 1968 and 1969 are
presented in Appendix 5.)
At surgery the gross appearance of mostofthe
thyroids was lobulated, but in addition they contained grossly discrete masses (see Figures 22 to
24). The benign. thyroid lesions exhibited multiple
nodules varying in size from a few millimeters to
several centimeters in diameter. They varied from
soft to firm in consistency, and were hemorrhagic
or in manyinstances cystic. Some thyroid glands
had increased fine vascularity over the surface
similar to that noted in thyroids previously treated
with large doses of 1311 for hyperthyroidism. Some
of the recent patients were given small tracer doses
of radioiodine the day before surgery so that the
radioactive content of the nodulartissue could be
measured at the time of surgery. The discrete
lesions in many cases showed 131] uptakedifferent

trom thatof the extra-nodular tissue, most discrete

benign lesions showing less uptake (Figure 25).
Radioiodine in malignanttissue was found to be
nil compared with that in surrounding normal

Microscopic examination ofthe benignlesions

revealed markedvariation in size offollicles. The
cells of somefollicles appeared atrophic, while
others were hyperplastic, which was reminiscent

of iodine deficiency goiter (Figure 26). In addition
to the gross adenomatous masses, some of the 15

thyroids classified as benign contained multiple

C *By Captain C.A. Broadus (MC)USN,U.S. NavalHospital,

**By Dr. B.P. Coleock, New England Deaconess and Bapist
Hospitals, Boston, Massachusetts.

tBy Dr. BM, Dobyns, Cleveland Metropolitan General Hospi-






tal, Cleveland, Ohio.


Re wie g crete RRR! pibentyer + Yes.


radiation-induced neoplasmsin this population.

microscopic clusters ofwhat appearedto be atypical
proliferating cells here and there in the parenchyma(see Figures 27 and 28).
From the microscopic examination the thyroid
carcinomas wereconsidered of low grade malignancy, and they varied in structure from papillary
to mixed papillary andfollicular type (Figures 29
and 30). Benign adenomatous changes werealso
noted in the glands. All showed capsularinvasion,
and in two cases localized metastases to lymph
nodes were present and in twoothercases, blood
vessel] metastases. Total thyroidectomies wereperformedin al! three cases of malignancy, anda left
radical cervical lymph nodedissection also was
donein one case because ofspread to lymph nodes.
No metastases have been recognized beyond the
cervical region in any patients.
Thyroid Function: Correlation With
Retardation of Growth in Children
In somechildren with thyroid lesions, deficiency

in serum thyroxine has been correlated with re-

tardation of growth. The moststriking instances
of hypothyroidism were in two boys who showed
marked retardation ofstatural growth and bone
age. By 1964, they had developed obvious atrophy
of the thyroid gland with almost completeloss of
thyroid function as evidenced by failure of the
thyroid to take up muchif any iodine even after
TSHstimulation. By this time their blood had low
thyroxine and very high TSH levels. They showed
bony dysgenesis, sluggish Archilles tendon re-

flexes, puffy faces, and dry skin. Their response to
thyroid hormone supplement as evidenced by
growth spurt, improved appearance,etc., has been
dramatic (see Figures 31 to 33). Several other children whodisplayed thyroid nodularity and whose
statural growth was below average showed low or
low-normal serum thyroxine values and poor
radioiodine uptake after TSH stimulationindicating that their thyroids were functionally impaired
and operating near their maximum capacity.
Functional deficiency of the thyroid was not
demonstrated in adults with nodules or carcinoma
of the thyroid.
Influence of Physiological Stress
on Thyroid Abnormalities
An assessment was madeof the relationship of

the developmentof puberty to the occurrence of
thyroid nodules. Degrees of pubescent changes
have been recorded annually by a grading system.

The two boys who showed greatest retardation of

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