Typical total external average radiation exposure rates,
in the southern islands are less than one microroentgen
per hour.
The exposure rates for the northern islands are
higher, as one would expect from test history.
These levels
range from total external average exposure rates of 5 microroentgen per hour to around 100 microroentgen per hour.
As a matter of interest, external exposure rates in the
United States from natural background ranges 6 to about

10 microroentgens per hour.

The primary radioactive isotopes are cesium-137, cobalt-



tranSuranic elements

(plutonium and

The former isotopes are relatively short-lived:
whereas the transuranic elements are long-lived.
The primary
purpose of the radiological soil cleanup is to reduce the
transuranic elements to levels that do not pose long-term
hazards to the returning people of Enewetak.
Of course,
in removing soil which contains transuranics, any other

radioisotopes present will also be removed.


Service personnel who have the potential for being

exposed to radiation consist only of those who are actually
engaged in the removal and disposal of the contaminated
debris, structures, and soil.
Typical duties involve operating bulldozers, backhoes, trucks, cranes, cement mixers,
and boats.
The attached Operation Plan will provide a basic
understanding of the overall effort.
Of the 650 DoD personnel on the Atoll, possibly 400 have the potential for being
exposed to radiation.
The overall philosophy is for operations to be conducted
in such a manner as to assure that radiation exposure to

individuais is limited to the lowest levels practicable.

The cleanup radiation exposure standards are based on Title
10, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 20, as implemented
in Department of Army Regulation 40-14, Control and Recording Procedures

for Occupational Exposure

to Ionizing Radia-

The limits for exposure in this regulation are 5
rem per year, or 1 1/4 rem for any three consecutive months.
The basic standard operating procedures for the cleanup
radiation safety program were prepared by a group of experts
from DNA, DoE, Sandia Laboratories, Los Alamos Scientific
Laboratory, and Lawrence Livermore Laboratory.
The program
’ is implemented in the field by a specially trained group
of Air Force personnel organized into-Field Radiation Support
These teams are under the supervision of radiation
safety experts in the Radiation Control Division of the

Joint Task Group on the Atoll.



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An on-site Radiation Control


Select target paragraph3