Charles W. edington


MAYALL AND CARRANO, Lawrence Livermore Laboratory

fhey would like to use their own techniques for
measuring DNA/chromosome. It is sensitive and
look promising. They'd like to use this population
as a test population to work it out. They can see
a two to five percent difference with age. DNA
variation is indeed greater in older people, say _

in content of DNA for 4a specific chromosome.

At that

time they figured it would be about 18 months until
their methods were ready for field atudies and that
would be May 1975,
Blood could be collected in: field and sent to

Chromosomes would be stained with

usual systems and also with banding methods,

‘Semen samples might also be collected for study
by Bart Gledhill, reproductive biologist. It is
apparent that they see this as an opportunity to
test some of their systems; we should not

overlook this possibility, but should cértainly

uee the standard methodologies first or at least,
BENDER,John Hopkins

This work should be done!

the people should be

studied before resettlement or immediately after
The slides could be made by somebody

in Hawaii.

Perhaps fly blood to Hawaii; slides could

be made and stored for examination Later -- should
be frozen, but very important thet they be kept dry.

A professional should plan it and decide who should
do it. Carrano is good. Petersen and Deaven at LASL
are good.

Brewen and Preston are good.

BLOOM, University of Michigan, now of Columbia University
A study of somatic cell aberrations is a reasonable
thing to do, We need low dose effects data, and
it might be obtained on these people,

Select target paragraph3