
WHEREAS the sccurity and welfare of the United States dej:end
increasingly upon the advancement of knowledge in the sciences; and
WHEREAS useful applicutions of science to defense,
humanitarian, and other purposes in the Nation require a strong
foundation in basic scientific knowledge and trained scientific
manpower; and
wHsREAS the administration of Federal scientific research

programs affecting institutions of learning must be consistent with

the preservation of the strength, vitality, and independence of higher
education in the United States; nd
WHERBAS, in order to conserve fiscal und manpow.r resources,
it is necessary that Federal scientific research prograns be
auministered with all practicable cfuicicney und economy; and
WHEREAS the National Seience Foundation has be on established

by law vor the purpose, amony otaers, of develooing and ~ncoura,ing
tne pursuit of an anpropriet. and effective national policy for the

premotion of basic reseercn and education in the secicness:

NOW, THERCFORE, by virtue of the authority vost .d in ue as
Presid.nt of the United Stat s, it is nereby ordered as rollous:
Section 1.

The etional Science Foundation ‘.wwreinefter

roferrod to as the Foundeticn) sneil from time to tim. reeerrend to

the President policics for the Federal Governuont which sill

strengthen the national scientific effort and furnish euidance toward

defining the responsinhilities of the Federal Governrert in the
eontdict and suppert of scientifie research,
Section 2.

The Foundation shall continue tc 3xe

comprelicnsive studies and recommendations regarding tue Nation's
cclentilfie research effort and its resources for scientific ectivities,

including facilities and scicntific persennel, and its foreseeable
sclentific needs, with 1 articular attention to the extent ov the

Feceral Governwent's activities and the resulting effects uoon trained
scleitifie personnel, Im va.ing such studies, the Fournd:tion snail

wake Pull use of cxisting cources of inforrmtion and re lerch
facilities vathin the Federal Governnonte
Section 3.


Foundation, in concert with «och vederal

ap eLey concerned, shall r view tac ceientific resvarch ; reu.rams end
activities of the Federal Government in order, among otlicr purposes,
to formulate wetueds ter ctrengthening the adrinistratien of such
programs and activities by the resnonsible agencies, wd te svuudy
areas of oasie research where gaps or undesirable overl.pring of

support ray exist, cad shall recommend to tne heads cf agencies
cone rning, the support ;iven to basic research,

Section h, as now or iereafter authorized or ,ermitved » x
lay, the Foundaticn chall be incre acingly responsible fir providiue
support by the Federal Governmnt for gem ral-purpose
asic res« arch
Urrourh contrects and prants.
The conduct and support by othr redereal
‘teeneies of vasic resewreh in ar.as shich are closely r-l:ted te their

“issione is reeognizcd as ivpertant and desirable, cs; .cicily in

ros,ense bo current ational iv«ds,

-nd shall continu.





Select target paragraph3