was due to loss of chromosomes. The
number of chromatid and isochromatid
gaps and breaks, although somewhat

higher in the exposed group, was within normal limits. Polyploid cells occurred with equal frequency in the two
groups. No aberrations were found in
the karyotypes

that had been made

from the 32 grossly intact cells from
the four subjects showing relatively high
rates of aberration. Likewise, no abnormalities were seen in 50 cells from
the bone marrow of one of the exposed
We pointed out earlier that the proportion of aberration-positive persons
in the low-exposure group was twice
that amongthe highly exposed. We can“not explain this paradoxical effect, but
we should mention that Bloom etal.
also failed to detect a relation between
chromosomally abnormal survivors in
Hiroshima and Nagasaki and their esti-

mated doses of radiation (8). Chromosome aberrations did not correlate with:
age or sex, nor could any relation

be established between the occurrence
of thyroid lesions and chromosome abnormalities.
We cannot account for the unusually

high incidence of acentric fragments in
the unexposed andtheir relative deficit
in the exposed people. Radiation from
ingested radionuclides is not likely to
be a factor, since all Marshall Island-

ers have been exposed to low levels of
residual radionuclides such as Cs}8",
Zn*, and Sr®° since their return to
Rongelap in 1957, and since body bur-

dens of these elements were about the
same in both groups. Although viruses

fallout (7); the incidence of aberrations,

excluding aneuploid ceils, was 2.1 percent and thus identical with our finding;

most were two-break aberrations. The-

incidence of acentric fragments in a
control population of Japanese studied
by: the same authors was 0.11 percent
-—20 times less than our finding among
the eight unexposed Marshall Islanders.
In a controlled cytogenetic study of
sampled survivors of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki,

this type may play in the pathogenesis
of radiation-induced leukemia can only

be surmised at present. It is problematical and indeed doubtful whether chromosomeaberrations in lymphocytes can
serve to indicate abnormalities in other
tissues, except perhaps inferentially. Indeed, of the ten individuals who have

developed thyroid lesions since our examinations were made, only three show
double-break aberrations.
Cancer Research Institute, New England
Deaconess Hospital, and Department of

Pathology, Harvard Medical School,
Boston, Massachusetts 02215


Medical Department, Brookhaven

National Laboratory, Upton,
Long Island, New York 11973
References and Notes

4.1. M. Tough, K, E. Buckton, A. G. Baikie,
W. M. Court-Brown, Lancet 1960-II, 849

Bloom et al. have found exchange-type

chromosome aberrations in 33 persons
—35 percent of 94 survivors examined
20 years after exposure (8); the incidence of aberrations was 0.6 percent in the exposed group—less than
half our finding among the Marshall
Islanders, Bloom et al. found only a
single acentric fragment in 8847 cells
from the 94 controls, an incidence of
0.01 percent; for the 33 aberration-positive individuals, the dose ranged from
237 to 891 rads, and for none of the

entire group was it less than 200 rads.
All persons examined were 30 years
of age or younger at the time of the
The results of our study demonstrate
that a small but significant number of
chromosome aberrations persists in
blood lymphocytes of some Marshall
Islanders 10 years after exposure to
fallout radiation. The conclusion that
at least some of these aberrations were
caused by the radiation, and not by
other factors, rests on the finding that

exchange-type aberrations were found

only in the exposed people and not
among the controls.
The biologic significance of persistent
chromosome aberrations in blood lym-




not significant; in most cells, aneuploidy

phocytes of hematologically normal
persons many years after exposure to
ionizing radiation is not known. In
. particular, any role that aberrations of


Aberrations ranged from one to four
per person. Sixteen of the 23 exposed
and two of the five unexposed persons
had multiple aberrations. In most instances no more than one aberration
was noted per cell. Aneuploidy was
higher in the exposed than in the unexposed group, but the difference was

ionizing radiations, are known to produce breaks in human chromosomesin
vivo and in vitro (/3), the kind and
distribution of the fragments seen in the
cells of the unexposed group do not
suggest this origin. If these agents were
implicated, it is not clear why they
failed to produce a similar effect in
the exposed people who have lived on
the sameisland underidentical environmental conditions since 1957.
Similar chromosome aberrations have
been reported in the Japanese fishermen
exposed to radiation from the same



level (P < .01).

and some chemicals, in addition to



aberrations either alone or in combination with fragments. The difference between the exposed and unexposed
groups in the relative incidence of twobreak aberrations and acentric fragments was significant at the 1-percent

(1960); K. E. Buckton, P. A. Jacobs, W. M.
Court-Brown, R. A. Doll, idid. 1962-11, 676
S. Warren and L. Meisner, J. Amer. Med.
Assoc, 193, 351 (1965); R. E. Millard, Cytogenetics 4, 277 (1965); P. C. Nowell, Blood
26, 798 (1965); M. Bauchinger and O. Hug,
Strahlentherapie 131, 109 (1966).
A. D. Bloom and J. H. Tjio, New Eng. J.
Med, 270, 1341 (1964),
A, Norman, M. Sasaki, R. E. Ottoman, R. C.
Veomett, Radiation Res. 23, 282 (1964).
M. A. Bender and P. C. Gooch, ibid, 18,
389 (1963); ibid. 29, 568 (1966),
¥Y. Doida, T. Sugahara, M. Horikawa, ibid.
26, 69 (1965).
T. Ishihara and T. Kumatori, Acta Haematol.
Japon. 28, 291 (1965).

. A. D. Bloom, S. Neriishi, N. Kamada, T.


tions only; all others showed two-break


Iseki, R. J. Keehn, Lancet 1966-ET, 672 (1966).
R, A. Conard and A, Hicking, J. Amer. Med.
Assoc, 192, 457 (1965).
R. A. Conard, J. E. Rall, W. W. Sutow,
New Eng. J. Med. 274, 1391 (1966).
P. S. Moorhead, P. C. Nowell, W. J. Mellman, D. M. Battips, D. A. Hungerford,
Exp. Cell Res. 20, 613 (1960).
K. E, Buckton and M. C, Pike, Intern, J.
Radiation Biol. 8, 439 (1964),
C. E. Nasjleti and H. H. Spencer, Cancer
Res. 26, 2437 (1966); W. W. Nichols, Amer.
J, Human Genet, 18, 81 (1966).
Supported by AEC (Brookhaven National
Laboratory), the Trust Territory of the
Pacific Islands, AEC contract AT(30-1)-3777
with New England Deaconess Hospital, and
PHS grant CA-06930. For expert assistance
we thank V. Estey, I. Irwin, and W. Merrill
of New England Deaconess Hospital, Boston
(with the chromosome analysis); and P.
Crumrine, R. Hammerstrom, W. A. Scott,
and W. Waithe of Brookhaven National
Laboratory. We thank S, M. Shea for help
with the statistics, and many individuals in
AEC and the Trust Territory of the Pacific
Islands for their support.

8 May 1967

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