and make. recommendations for further field test participation;

of To

accept a longer warning peried (1 or more hours) to initiate tactikal
dispersal of People to shelters.




Specialized Training Programs. (UNCLASSIFIED)

the field of health
supply of presently
‘various specialized
previous years will



The exigent p}oblems in

physics related to atomic energy extend beyond the
trained and available personnel. Consequently, the:
training programs inaugurated by the Conmissifmn in
be continued. The programs include:

Industrial Hygiene. This progranis now in its second

ypar and-_

is being administered by the Oak Ridge Institute of Nuclear Studiks during


Eight candidates have been selected for one year of acadenfic train-

ing to begin this fall. The first year's. program in 1952 includefi four
trainees who have completed the course of study. ~

Industrial Medicine. In the field of industrial medicind, eight

applicants have been assigned for study during the 1953 academic fyear, as


University of Rochester - 4;

Harvard University - 3;


University of Cincinnati - 1. A second year of in-plant training at an
_ AEC or contractor installation is offered after completion of thd courses,
Direction of this training will be handled by the University of Hochester. |
The previous year's training included five candidates whg finished
the course of academic study. Two of these are now taking in-plfnt train-

ing for a year - cne at Fernald plant (Cincimati) and one assighed to

work at both Brookhaven andHanford.

Two others are taking addibional

clinical training, and one has voluntarily discontinued the progfem.

Radiological Physics.

Applicants are now being reviewdi for

radiological physics fellowships for special study in radiation protection

and hospital physics. Administration of the program is under the Oak
Ridge Institute of Nuclear Studies, and approximately 75 candidates will

be selected for study in the coming academic year. The groups will
begin training at one of the three locations, with no more than 2] at each:

the University of Rochester, with field training at Brookhaven;]


Vanderbilt University, with field work at Oak Ridge; and at theMniversity

of Washington in Seattle in cooperation with Hanford Works.





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