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“Civil Defense Activities

- Proposed Industry Analysis Project. (UNCLASSIFIED) “Meetings have been
held recently with the firms of Civil Defense Research Associated and Union

Carbide and Carbon, Inc., to discuss the feasibility of a projeci{ submitted
by Civil Defense Research Associates. The project was proposed dm order
to meet industry needs for criteria on protective measures applidable to
plant building and plant complexes, and for new structures. Thid stems

from requests which CDRA has received from representatives of seferal im-

portant industrial organizations to assist in obtaining informatdon on
resistive construction, dispersal, materials, camouflage, securify measures
ancother. information which would, in case of emergency, tend tol reduce
injuries to personnel and improve probability of continued produbtion.
Under such a plan, CDRA proposes to act as coordinator between
the Com- |

mission and industry so. that the receipt of pertinent information may be
expedited for those in need for immediate use. TheFederal Civifl Defense

Administration and possibly state civil defense organizaticns wil be invited to contribute in this work and will be kept informed. of pyogress.
The importance of the project Warrants continued discussiot S, and »
consideration will be given as to whether recommendations for official

AEC assistance will be made.

Federal Civil Defense Research Objectives.

efearch pro-

jects of the Federal Civil Vefense Administration ccnnected with the effects
of atomic detonations are necessary to adequately provide assiskance in

civil defense protective measures.

The Commission has been asktd to give

guidance in establishing these research objectives, and also td discuss
the proper utilizationof funds appropriated for this research ftc FCDA.

Under current FCDA policy, any expenditures for civil defense yesearch

by other agencies were to be reimbursed by FCDA through funds @hus appro-

priated to them by Congress.

Accordingly, the problems were discussed at a meeting of fommission
‘representatives, Federal Civil Defense, Armed Forces Special WRapons Pro-

ject, Corps of Engineers-U. S. Army, and Bureau of Yards and Dbcks-U. S.
Navy. Specifically, FCDA requested direction concerning (a) ifformation.

on effects of atomic detcnations now included in scientific anf technical

reports of past test series, and (b) the most efficient procedhres to
obtain such information. A special interest was indicated in Bhelters
to give protection near Ground Zero (up to levels of 2,000 p.g.i.)}; dispersal of shelters and population; industrial, commerical, regidential,

and educational structures.

policy of:

niso, FCDA is giving consideratiqn

to the -

Retaining a consultant or consultants to review literature

fb nrcnives

Select target paragraph3