
irradiate the respective groups. The preliminary. LD-50 (at 30 aa
are near completion and will give data on cataract induction, and
marrow activity, as indicated by Fe-59 uptake in red bleod cells
cell counts. Tentative neutron/x-ray ratios obtained for acute 1


Mice, 1 rep neutrons, or 3. rep x-rays;

3.0 rep x-rays;

Rats, 1 rep neut

and Guinea Pigs, 1 rep neutrons or 2,3 rep x-ra

Detection of Radiation Injury.



within 2) hours, The acid "DN-ase" in the urine of rats ‘showed a fivefold increase after irradiation. Under the same conditions, neut
“DN-ase* also:increased and remained elevated. These findings i

assist in the early diagnosis of pancreatic malignancy5 hitherto
cult to determine.
National EE of Health, a number of research projects |on:
of irradiation on subhuman primates have been initiated recently.

University of Wisconsin is conducting one such study on theeffec

which have been tamed and adapted to test situations. These studfes
are to be continued on a relatively long-range basis, and it is e
that the information will be of value in determining whether the
processes are seriously affected by radiation.
Radiaticn Instruments Program

High Intensity Probe. (UNCLASSIFIED) A demonstration was repently
witnessed at the Naval Research Laboratory of a new high intensi probe

being developed by Victoreen Instrument Company for use in their Roentgen
Rate Meter. The probe is designed .to extend the range of the Rate Meter
‘to 1.8 megaroentgens per hour, and has possible applications in 4 ne new:

field of food irradiaticn and in instrumentation associated with kKilocurie

and megacurie gamma sources,

Select target paragraph3