in the medium.

Analysis of the cell potassium, and study of the pdbassium-

hydrogen exchange across the surface 2 have shown also thatthe sti

layers of the cell. This Stimulation does not ‘depend on any chang@
' internal potassium level or the rate of its exchange, but only’ on
external ; potassium-ion and hydro gen-ion. concentrations - The most

a number of the subsequent steps in the carbohydrate metabolic sys

Application of these processes will be extended to the study of
phenomena to other micro-organisms, and to the organs of higher
as the diaphragm and the intestine.

Mechanisms of Virus Infection. (UNCLASSIFIED)

in the.



The mechanis

virus infection are being investigated by a research group at the

sity of Colorado.

The virus under study is the bacteriophage whi

destroys the common colon bacillus. Although the bacteriophage i
rather specialized type of virus whose behavior is not necessaril
characteristic of all viruses, it is unusually convenient for 1
study, since the infective processes can readily be followed in
tube mixtures of the virus and the host bacteria.

In such mixtures, the virus rapidly penetrates the bacteria
and reproduces itself at the expense of the host cell materials.
bacterial cell finally ruptures and releases large numbers of badteriophage to infect other bacteria, and this process continues as lo
the bacteria supply lasts. The results of these experiments usi
radiation as a tool to alter the virus and its physiological efffcts
have been making considerable contributions to the understandi
basic physical mechanism of this infective process, as regards

attachment of the virus to the bacterial surface;

(2) the loc

down of the surface and penetration of the virus into the inter’

and (3) the basis for the different specific immmities ofthe ¢
strains of bacteria to the several strains of bacteriophage.

Radiation Effects in Animals.


Experiments at Oak

Ridge National Laboratory are in progress to determine the biolpgic
effects of neutrons as compared with X rays in mice, guinea


Cyclotron-produced neutrons and 250 KVP X rays were use


Select target paragraph3