The measurement of radioactivity of the surface water (initial
radiation survey) was conducted with the assistance of personnel from
the Laboratory of Radiation Biology (University of Washington) and from
the Radiation Safety Section of the Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory
under the direction of Maj. Gordon Jacks.
The radiobiological survey extended from 10° 56'Nto 11° 25'N
and from

161° 16' Eto

Atoll (Fig. 1).

162 10! E,


area southwest of Eniwetok

The survey included thirty-five plankton stations and

four water stations.
during the period.

Eight mid-water trawl collections also were made
Details of these coNections describing location,

depth of sample, temperature, and depth of thermocline are given in
Table 1 and Appendix Tables A, B, and C, and the locations of the
stations are shown in Figures 1, 2, and 3.

Details of the work aboard

ship and the methods of collection were similar to those’ described by

Donaldson et al.
and Seymour et al.

Plankton samples were collected with a 1/2-meter plankton net of

No. 6 mesh while the ship was drifting at a rate of approximately 0.5
to 1.8 knots per hour.

The net, hauled by a 3/16-inch wire cable ona

Select target paragraph3