program related to the Wahoo event.

The Atomic Energy Commission

supplied part of the funds for the operational cost of the Rehoboth and
in return the Rehoboth was made available for use by the University of
Washington Laboratory of Radiation Biology, an AEC contractor,


the period May 3, 1958 to May 20, 1958, to conduct a radiobiological
Bight U. S. Navy Hydrographic Office personnel,

under the di-

rection of Mr. Alfred W. Anderson, made oceanographic surveys during both phases of the investigation and provided the authors with the
water samples from four locations for measurementof radioactivity.
A radiation monitoring team from the Radiation Technical Division
of the Naval Medical Research Institute,

J. W


the direction of Lt.

Duckworth, measured the radioactivity of water at the surface,

at the intake to the ship's evaporators, and at designated depths from
the surface down to 600 feet.

The surface measurements were made

with a survey meter and the measurements of the inflow water to the
evaporators were made with a specially designed ion-chamber that
was fitted around the intake line.

For measurements at depth a gamma

scintilation-type probe with a continuous recording device was used.

The probe was a modified "well-logging" type provided by the AEC
Health and Safety Laboratory, New York Operations Office.

A report

of these measurements is being prepared for publication by the Naval
Medical ResearchInstitute.

Select target paragraph3