The success of the survey was made possible by the cooperation
of Cmdr. Donald J. Hackett, USN, Capt., and Lt. Cmdr.
Walden, USN, Executive Officer, and members of


Walter A.


of the

USS Rehoboth,
The kind help of Mr. James W. Winchester, Office of Naval
Research, is greatly appreciated, as is also the help of the personnel
of the U. 5S. Navy Hydrographic Office:
Alfred W. Anderson
William Cunningham
William R. Deebel
Blair W. Gibson
Willis H. Hammond
Gordon H. Knoop
stanley G. Porter
Joseph H. Rohrhirsch
The authors are especially grateful for the assistance of Mr. Blair
W. Gibson who spent many hours in the counting room,
The authors also would like to acknowledge the invaluable assistance,

advice and information obtained from the following personnel of the U. 5S.
Navy Monitoring Team:
Cmdr. F. W. Chambers, Jr., Head. Rad. Tech. Div. NMRI

Lt. James W. Duckworth, Rad. Tech. Div. NMRI

Ralph BE. Severence, HM1, Rad. Tech. Div. NMRI
Lt. Cmdr. W. H. Chapman, Hq. AFSWP
The support provided by Task Group 7.1 is hereby recognized.

Select target paragraph3