

amount of radioactivity was found in the samples taken below the thermocline,

The radioactivity measurements of the plankton samples are given
in Table 2.

A small amount of beta activity found in the first four

Samples can be attributed to residual contamination from previous tests.

Because of tne thousand-fold increase in radioactivity of plankton sample
P-6 collected on May 6,

1958, as compared to those collected previous

to this date, it is assumed that this increase in radioactivity was due to
the fallout of the Cactus device detonated on the same day.

Samples P-7

to P-12, collected before the Wahoo test, contained radioactivity in
lower amounts (Fig. 2).

These samples were examined by gamma

Spectrometry immediately after collection and the following short-lived
isotopes were present in the decreasing order of their contribution to the
total activity: Np239 (2.3 jays)

Mo99-T.99m (66 hours),* Cei4t_

pr!41 (33.1 days)* Ru 103-Rn103 (39.8 days)* Bal40-:,a140 (12.8
days); Te 132-7132 (77.7 hours)*

Zr95-Nb99 (65 days)* Cel44-pr144

(285 days)* and Rul96-Rnh196 (1 year)* in both the large and small

A summary of the results of separations of the radionuclides

in sample P-6 by ion-exchange methods is given in Table 3.


spectrum analyses indicated that plankton samples P-7 to P-12 contained these radionuclides in the same relative proportions.

*Effective half life.


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Select target paragraph3