
1132 1133) and 1138 (gotopes whose faster decay rates weald tend to
\ower the valve
it was evidem from the short half life and tagh level of radioactivity
ef two samples of Asparagupeis collected em April 3 1954

at Parry I2-

lead that these algae were c ncestrating a receatiy formed isotape


velues for the counts of these samples were 12. 600 and |), 600 din/g

ee appeced :o an average value of 260 d/m/g based on radioactive decay
af eemplee collected in tne same losality on March 6 1954

The tacrease

la specific activity might have bees due to material reeuiting from the
Mar: 27 teet at Bikiai Atoll, since it was cbeerved that the beck grouad
coust ot Parry lslaed iacreesed a few days afier this date

Changee in

the activity levels ia the signe would be enpecied to fcilow closely these

of a envircament, for it hes been showe im ishoretory wets wat 1!3!
eptahe reaches equilibrium after the first Beer ia Aecuphyiiam (4) and
ater three hours ia .aminerta (7).

As laboratory teete ave ant been

conducted with Asparagupeis to determine Mis

«5. it canmet be stated

with certaiaty that it eould behave simflarly
it Beas been Lnown for many yooru @it todinege ia preecat ia the sve aad

ia a majertiy of the algme (8), in Asparagepeis iedine censtitutes 0. 692
perces of the dry matter (2)

Laboratery experiments have indicsted

thst certain algne wil! concentrate 1'3! trom sea water (3.4.7)


observations made at Eaiwetot é@uriag the present laveetigations support
theee Madiagn stece ihe 1'3) cnecentration in Aspersgopets wes appronimately 18, 000 times thet of the surrcentiag water

(The total activity of



Select target paragraph3