May 2 1963

Dear Dr.Meyer,
I received the pipet, the serum samples and
the data on your subjects. I have distilled the serum, and
when our new scintillation counter is set up I willthe

water samples and send you the results.

samples monitered in Donner Eab's

+ had all the water

whole body cgyunter just

to make sure they were not contaminated with Cr¢

As far as I can determine,Will hasrt done

any work on the relationship between blood volume and lean
body mass in the four years that I have worked for him.

Nor can I find anything published by anyone at Donner Lab
on this subject.

The most recent article that I know of is by
F.P.Muldowney of Harvard Med. School in"Techniques for
measuring body composition" p 212. 1 enclose the title , page
of this publication so you can look it up. Muldowney géves

the linear regression of red cell mass(y "on lean body mass

(x) as

y= 32.74x



Is this the formula that you are looking for?
Dr. Howard Parker the Associate Research

Physician at Donner said that about 8 years ago, Will and

others tried expressing blood volume in terms of o¢/em of
lean body wt. rather than cc/ gm of total body wt.Theoretic
-ally this shouldhave produced a better correlation, but
after trying. a couple of hundred patients this way, the
researchers decided to go back to the old method.fhe Clinic
still uses the old method.

I will send you the water volumes, the Kgs o

of fat and the lean body mass on your subjects as soon as
possible.I will also send you my calculations for your file.

We were not able to establish radio contact

as we had hoped, so we have no news that is-net in the newspaper.

The mail

service has also been very poor and we have

had only one letter from Will.All he said was that some of
the scientific equipment has broken down and this is spolling some of the planned research.




Rosemary Hughes
Please forgive the typing..I'm no _typist,
and pecker.

just a hunt

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