




Monthly Status Report, May 1951




Biolocy and Uedicine

The Sub-Committee on Protection Against Unconventional Attack met
with members of the parent Interdepartmental Committee on Internal
Security to discuss the significance of some of the Sub—Comzittce's
recommendations, including the means amd costa af putting then into

General accord was reached in outlining practical solutions

to a majority of the more important problems.

The Sub-Committee on Radiobiology, o: the National Research Council
Committee on Nuclear Radiations, met in Cleveland on May 6, to discuss its

conferences on radiobiology (jointly supported by GNB and by ARC through

the Biophysica Branch,) to consider the formation of a new society in the
field and its publication problems, and other items,

Instrumentation Conference, Harwell, England

The Third Joint United Kingdom/Canadian/United States Instrumentation

Conference was held et Harwell, England, April 30 through May 11, 1951.
persons representing the major AFC areas and laborato#lea of the United
States attended and contributed to the meeting. The programs included
discussions covering major fields of instrumentation falling within the
scope of t).e Technical Cooperation Program. Visits to the AERt Harwell


Laboratories and to various inatrument companies were arranged, In general,
4t was observed that the English desimed instruments stressed reliability

in operation and were more standardized than are U. 3. instruments. Itis .
felt that the United itates uses higher quality components and that, althoush
our country does not stress instrument longevityand standardization to the

extent the Znglish do, our system of design freedom and resulting competition
has led to better products,
Conference on 3asic Instrumentation

The Fourth Conference on Sasic Instrumentation was held by the National

Bureau of jtandards, Office of Basic Instrumentation, on May 22, 1951.


Basic Instrumentation Program is cooperatively sponsored by the Office of

Naval Research, Office of Air flesearch and the Atomic Energy Commission.
3ome of the work engaged in under this progran is reported on in the Quarterly
Progress Report of the Office of Basic Instrumentation, March 31, 1951,

National Bureau of Standards Report OBI 1010.

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