





The need for supporting facilities and non-scientific personnel
is about the same as suggested by Dr. Donaldson on Pages 9 and 10
of UWFL-30.
Supporting facilities needed are as follows:


Round trip sir transportation from Seattle to Eniwetok
for 6 men and 600 pounds of equipment.

not to exceed 2,000 pounds,

by surface vessels.

Heavy equipment,

could be sent out in advance


Living accommodations for 6 men of officer status either


One hundred and fifty square feet of covered laboratory




Small surface vessels for transportation within the lagoon.


50 pounds of dry ice at time of departure from Eniwetok fp


An ICI or similar vessel for Bikini work and possibly for
living querters at Eniwetok (See (2) above).


on bosrd ship or on one of the resident islands.

unit of about 15 cubic feet cepacity

operating at OF. Refrigeration should be in a unit not
being used for food storage.



If (7) not available, a flight to Bikini in a PBY or similar


Non-scientific personnel needed are as follows:


<A naval liaison officer.


A boat crew for (5) above.


Two helpers to assist with gear, collections, etc.

I have forwarded as copy of your letter to Dr. Donaldson and
expect to have his suggestions by the time Drs. Plough and Wilbur
visit us.
The latest word from the Donaldsons is that they are all
busy and thoroughly enjoying their tour.
Sincerely yours,

a H, Seymour
Acting Director

AHS :pr

Dr. L.R. Donaldson
Dr. H. H. Plough Dr. K. M. Wilbur

Mr. K. Englund


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