thic, if the projec. is done.

Or. Feoples pranised us that if he did

participats on lastlc, he would get same self-recording instywnents
for a telemetering system ihich iiould not have to be mannec, Hooper


eaphasized, hoever, that if canisters will be involved, we mst know
about it early. ‘Scoville would say at the mament that it is not in,

lelj {Can
this be the same people who do 1.2?





(Cox also has 1.8)


thinks this mmber (total for Candia) should be made approximately 30
if.ope scales the work fron Ivy. Actually they will be doing
reabis, because they will be on more shots. le would estinate 15
1g pend 5 people respectively for these 3 projects. Scoville and ,

Blunda say this mmber is unreasonable. The matter of personnel mm-—
bers j@-argued for sone time — it is finally decided to call it 5
for this proj«ct.
Shots: --2 and 3, or 2 and 4 if the

raft goes ashore.

Same structures,
wiring, and lab space as for i.2.
Bo bey


Thaler plansto dg“his assembly on Farry, would like the samo space

he hac last tims./jHe would estimate 3 weeks or a month on Parry before
the shot.

After (that, will live on ship.
Thaler wants to have : elenetering system as a back-up in case of

recovery problems.

If‘he\has a land relay station, then he will have

a ship-based trailer.

he can get an aircreft, will do away with

any relay and put the reco:

up with the Task Force.

this includes everything.


(Ogle: we would prefer, if you
station on Enxyu. Thaler says t

system in the a/c. He will take this

have 2 racks in his recording structure,
have no objections, keeping the relay
is ok.)

If they can get the instrumentation h
-they can), NOL wants to obtain additi

fram Thaler (and Thaler says
data, increase the scope of

the recording, get more chamnels, to get
a better coverage om the
pressure-time aspect. iL people w
help_Thaler in this project

(for the above).

They also would like to

yse, in this kind of a test,

additional instrumentation of a differont
than Thalerts. (They
discuss how many extra people this takes —4[Thaler says it will be 2
or 3 and they are included in his original estimate of 10; Aronson says
it should be more —- they decide to make it 15.) ro

General comment on why the shot schedule is as it is: “If, for same reason,

the operation must be susvended before it is campleted, the! tuo, least important

shots are


so they are at the end. Blunda/gaked if the

shotai-be“the deep water
shot had to be given uf could ome of the
Ogle replied he thinks this could be arranged.

Select target paragraph3