6.3 Flectromagnetic Effects - (ESL)
AFS.P wishes to re-examine this project. The proposal came in.
before Ivy data were reduced, and Scoville stated that if these data are
mulfecpent they will not wart to do this again,

iGz Proof Testing of Atomic ‘arfare Countermeasures - (NRDL, CRL)

vith all

alte discussed above, this is the BuShips proposal to test the

Maving to do with decontaminating a ship, involving vent closures,

ah etc., and would entail two drone Liberty ships, one equipped

e //~gountemmeasures, the other not so equipped.

It is apparently

quite important|ito the Navy, since further design and production of these
devices will hi
on the results. They discussed having the ships manned

and further away’but decided the data to be gained by putting them closer and

using drones were worth the increased cost and effort.

They want them inside

a possible base surge, if there is one, but sufficiently outside the blast

range; distances

26 to 10 miles are being talked of.

The ships mst be

moving since the spray svFien operated only if there is a relative novement
to the vessel.

Ogle asked sadgit was necessary to test these countermeasures
close to a banb, why not spray,
‘ohm with debris frem a pile? Scoville replied
that the activity must be in
sol form, the way it is. received fram a shot.
The greatest probl

pe.is an operational one with regard to
the Task Force has discussed this—
there has been consideration of cqntyplling the ships by a plane flying, or
from another ship—and have concluda/ it will require a clear channel systen,
a group of radio frequencies (the mumbe
yet determined), in order to
for a helicopter to take the
ensure safety. There is also a
crews off before shot time which would
in addition to the requirements

the drone control.

Cowart stated mat

already submitted.

The seriousness of the frequency [ie has not yet been investisolved the project can be
gated, but it would appear that if this can
pate on the deep water
carried out. ‘Scoville thought they
situation and one crudded
shot and one large raft shot, so as
up with coral, for application to harbor studies.

It was suggested that this project should brihg along a third ship
a sand

r oa


(e.ge, am APD) as part of their package deal, for contHeftand to house the
crews and experimental personnel.

Select target paragraph3