important this is with regard to harbor considerations and the like. They
wish to get a correlation with HD work—~in this connection they would, of

course, prefer a shot on the bottom but would try to correlate different

types of bottans with H- shots.

| | Blunda saw no objection to letting H&N do this
work if they would
do 89 jas] soon as possible and if it were tied dowmas a project so they would

write-a’report on it. He thought emphasis should be placed on the fact that
this is an
rtant effect.

LMithe DOD did this, Kingsley would guess it would require something

of the order oftwo people and a boat.

The photographs include aerial

photography anfl/gle asked if they would be willing to let Lookout Mountain
take the beforeiand after pictures.

Scoville guessed they would.

hel Neutron Dosihetry with Mice - (ANCGS, MRDL)
jp \

Seoville explaited that this is different from Carter's project

in the past where he measnted the mean lethal range.

The object here is to

put out mice at distance inchepente that might be important from a military
point of view—-never mind if 1
get killed at one place and none at the
next—-the object is to correla


Scoville said he wa

e physical phenamena with the biological

data, and this is the only place h
better than a physical one.

to admit it but they do not have these
d say that a biological method is

Ogle mentioned a point whtth
was sure they were aware of: as
the yleld goes up, the blast and thermalidffects becaze more serious relative
to neutron effects, so that if mice are
placed where neutrons will hurt then
they will be killed by blast and thermali!
He thought there were enough

neutron measurements made on Ifike that this
then. (Scoville pointed out that AFCP do not

and they are quite amclous to get it.)

tion could be gained fron
have the Ivy neutron data,

Ogle thought to get the dosages one

would want, the mice would have to be around I

0O yds; the high-energy

neutron flux will not be mich greater than from ‘Mike, and 1000 yds would be
right in the crater. It seemed to him that they
be talking of what
happens because of the difference in neutron spect
fren a fission bomb.

To find this out, one would have to be in a region wherdtiere is an appreci~
able high-energy neutron flux and because of the air attemation, this mst

be close.



Scoville said that he had not seen the data fram ikejyet.


a 20-KT bomb, one gets a lethal range of neutrons at 1400 yds.) las Ogle

saying that for a 102i bamb the lethal renge is the same? Essentially,

Select target paragraph3