roughness, wind speed, etc:

these moumbers say the waves have a maccumm

amplitude of 2 ft (from crest to trough), and that the wind Speed averages
20 knots, constamt from the Ni from about February through July.
So far as LaSL is concerned, such a shot is not impossible nor
does-{t involve major philosoptiical problems like the air burst, but it
is consider
ably more difficult operationally.


We would, in the first Place,

different site, one where we could use the same photo stations
8 and gamma stations as for the other barge shots. However.
the water a
{i fough outside the lagoon at any place where this would be ,

possible, #ei would not trust the presently proposed methods of putting the

bonib on aiRarge and would probably have to use a ship.


4a far ds the bomb itself is concerned, one would probably talk of

The guly} experiment that we would almost certainly lose would be

hign-speed casephotography, \-hich can be dome at the distancce we propose,
~~ 3 miles, with almost as good resolution as you like, but which requires

a very small fileld of view and could not tolerate the bargets moving about
appreciably. (It equild stand 1 ft or so, but no 20 ft, for example.)

Assuming this was the|
way of additional construsiten:


two new vhoto tovers which

the following would be required in the
another 10 or 12 miles of timing line;

would probably have to be built after the

This is veryrglose to the

Wocation and might

mean serious fall-out problems» ‘In addition to probable loss of the highspeed photography, we would b
ment, which uses a wire system:

jtrouble on the telemetered alpha measureig.we would either lose or have to run

vires from somewhere close to the
All these things are not impossibl
cost and effort.

through the deep water to a station.
would add quite appreciably to the

ksked for a quick (and wnofficial)/dstimate of the additional cost

with regard to instrumentation, Campbell

dollars (this is the price of 2 towers plus

d guess at a half-million

es of wire).


he felt a more serious difficulty than cost aitine proximity of that

location to
_« This means cables
built between shots, troubles in mooring on hét


This is about 9 miles from the

structures closer than that.

have to be run and towers
islands, and loss of a photo

| and there are

This subject was discussed again next day with Gravis in attendance.
The final agreement was as follows. LASL feels that this-is operationally
feasible and can be done, but cannot supply the extra
(in the order
will explore
of magnitude of a million dollars) which it will cost.

further from the logistic point of view whether, if the moneyia raised,

the work can be done (e.g., sec whether Spain can take on the} additional


The DOD will decide whether such a test is worth thati/ghount of

money to them and if so, will see if they can get it. If they “tan, and our
investigations indieate it is possible, the shot will be made in that manner.



Select target paragraph3