they had said earlier they did not trust scaling, then should use two
pombs with about the same yleld. Yes, they would prefer this, but mst
be opportunists. They have a range built into the pressure-measuring

instruments to cover deviations from scaling laws.) Thaler argued
further that in a lagoon shot one does not have an infinite medium,a

ization upon which scaling laws are based, but can have channeling,
surf e and bottom reflections, etc. He added that they intend to instrunegt{phe
of the lagoon shots also, but for another reason (see discussion
roject 1.5).


mend bre more points: the whole contamination problem—for example,
the scal¢|work on base surge—-indicates that quite a different effect may
occur in deép-and shallow water. Also, if ome conducts an experiment in

deep water, dg¥sehtially a homogeneous medium, it is felt one could understand better the, results from a shallow water burst, having done one good
experiment whichisanalyzable.

Ogle agreed with these points in generel, if they would just do this
with a 20-I'T shot (NOT at Castle). Thaler said he has talked with Hartmann
and others who feel this 4s a good chance and should not be overlooked;

they have confidence in being able to go fron these results to predictions
on smaller shots.



Porzel asked if the timé;duration of the pressure wave in the water

is important. Thaler replied
t it is, frem the point of view of ship
damage; the modes of failure
completely different if it is given an
impulse or squeezed slowly. Por
thought this would be so markedly
different in a surface and under
burst, perhaps by factors of 1000,
that ome could not scale with c
ce. Thaler did net agree. Porzel
elaborated: the phenomenology :
on muclear explosions during
the time the energy is being tranamitted ito the water is so different in
the two cases that the resultant pres
wave may well not scale. In
nuclear explosions this transmission
rgoes a marked transition just

about the time one gets down to the pressure leyels which occur in Hi, so
that emall charge scaling up to nuclear charges is really treacherous in

this domain.

Insofar as scaling for big yi

‘in nuclear explosions is

concerned, the peak pressures should reasona
follow pretty well defined
scaling laws, but the durations he was not so sure
pf. If peak pressure
po trust scaling laws,
is of prime interest, then it is a safe enough bet
but if the tine constant is important, it is a
rousthing to do.

The site recammended by the DOD for this shot is p¥£ the southwest
corner of Bikini Atoll, about a mile and three cuarters fan the ocean side

of Bokororyuru. Thaler has been looking into this and has! found that the
old Bikini-Charlie Seabee moorings are still good, will be fan the next

thirty years. A tentative mooring system has been worked out relying
two lines and a Sea-Hule engine to maintain constant tension ; oean lines.
The Hydrographic Office has furnished information on weve hei


Select target paragraph3