There followed a considerable discussion of the relationship between
the ICRP and NAS recommendation of 50 r in ten years and the

working level of 5 r per year as a target.



psychological and legal considerations in removing
a worker from his occupation after having received

his maximum recommended dose limit was considered.
The importance of coasidering this a target level
rather than an absolute limit was discussed.


was DR. GLASS'S opinion that the practical problems
involved should be presented to the NAS Committee.

DR. DUNHAM spoke briefly of the ABCC.

but will return soon.

Dr. Keith Cannon is in Japan

He called attention to the recent commendation

given to Mrs. Montgomery, Mr. Van Horn and Mr. Clarke


(continued )

for their outstanding performance. The Committee
unanimously passed a resolution recognizing the
Commission's action and expressing pleasure.
copy of the resolution has been sent to each of

the recipients)

DR. DUNHAM spoke also of the

visit of Dr. Plough and Dr. Stern to Japan during
the Summer and their audience with the Emperor.

this connection DR. GLASS spoke of the favorable
reaction to the presence of fifty Americans at the Tokyo conference


and expressed the opinion that the funds were well spent in sending


DR. DUNHAM reported on the 202 hearing coming up during which the
Commission will report to Congress on the industrial exploitation

of atomic energy. This will involve considerable staff work in
connection with the safety program. DR. DUNHAM also reviewed briefly
the establishment of the International Atomic Energy Agency, the
special reactor hazards study being carried out at BNL with the
assistance of Dr. Claus, Mr. Eisenbud and Mr. Mc Laughlin of the
HASL. Mention was made of Mr. Eisenbud's talk given on November 15
at the Washington Academy of Sciences.
DR. PEARSON has been invited
by the State Department to represent the United States at the coming
meeting of the Food and Agricultural Organization in Holland.

Select target paragraph3