(continued )

comparative purposes.

Dk. GLASS expressed the

opinion that he believed that the benefit of returning them is inclined tc outweigh the danger
and that it would be unrealistic to base conclusions
on the dose levels intended for a large population

to this relatively small group, even though it is

an entire population.

DR. FAILLA pointed out that

the ICRP limit of @&
per year is not intended to be the limit
for a large population. It was agreed that because of the already
relatively high exposure to which these natives had already been
subjected, limiting their exposure in texms from now on was un-

realistic; but on the other hand, the psychological effect of permitting them to receive more radiation than our own
vecple, could
be subject to criticism. <A further discussion resulted in the
decision to prepare a statement expressing the Committee's opinion.

A statement was subsequently prepared as follows.

It is moved that the ACBM approve the Division

of Biology and Medicine's propdsal te return the
Rongelapese to their native atoll. However, it

is the opinion of the ACBM that if it should
become necessary to re-evacuate because of further
tests, there would result world opinion unfavorable

to the continuation of weapous testing.

The resolution was unanimously passed.

The meeting recessed for lunch at 1:20 pom..

At 2:10 p.m. the meeting was reconvened by the Chairman who called
on Dr. Seymour to discuss the evaluation of concentrations in the

ocean following Operation Redwing. DR. SEYMOUR
told of the recent meeting in Washington for the


purpose of discussing surveys.

This was attended

by Japanese and also members of the AEC Division
of International Affairs who agreed to exchange
information and meet later for the purpose of
coordinating resuits. DR. SEYMOUR speke of the
many different phases of the program involving the

sampling of water, plankton, and fish being carried
out by both Japanese investigators as well as our own.
There has

been some disagreement between the Japanese and the American

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Select target paragraph3