
Disposal in water-filled and underwater craters.


Land burial where the radiation level of the scrap is
not significantly above that on land.

3. Disposal in deep water.
Pu excepted, the Task Group has not made recommendations for
‘removal of contaminated soil. For any disposal there should be no
pathway to people; periodic followup surveys are necessary. Disposal
of Puin any form is a greater problem, and disposal must protect
against exposure for the future.

The consensus of the Task Group reflects consideration of a range
of options and the benefits of reviews and comments.
Choice of the method which will optimize reduction of exposures
is a matter of judgement. Action such as use of imported foods

could be effective but is not recommended. Although engineering
actions, e.g., soil removal and replacements may appear to be
preferable to restricting use of land for living and agriculture,

these actions can otherwise adversely affect the environment and
for some the effectiveness is uncertain. The extent cf compiiance
by the people with restrictions has been consiccred, and an
acceptable level of cooperztion is expected so that they may use land
where the radiation environment is or can be made acceptaovle.

Return of people to live on the southern islands, ALVIN through
KEITH, is expected to result in radiation doses within the recommended
criteria. JANET (Enjebi), which the people desire for a residence

island is a special case of the category of islands having radiation
and radioactivity levels which preclude living and agriculture. Steps
to make this island completely or partially available in the near term
are important from the social as well as scientific viewpoint.

Predicted radiation doses associated with the Task Group recommendatio1
that people live only on the southern islands, ALVIN through KEITH,
are given in the following table. The Bikini Atoll estimates and
typical natural background levels in the U.S. are given for comparison.


Select target paragraph3