-4Conducting the medical examinations and treating people of
the islands whenever necessary has been largely in the hands
Cikeae fhe. AT by oe aa, elt.
of Drs.

Conard, Knudsen‘andKotrady.

On many occasions,

the best

medical advice was invited from outstanding specialists in the
field, many of whom participated in the actual medical examinations.
We believe Drs. Conard/and Knudsen to be very capable and conscientious
doctors who are deeply committed to the health and welfare of the
people of Utirik.

Moreover, the report by the special committee on

Rongelap and Utirik, which was formed by the Congress of Micronesia,
was generally favorable with regard to the examinations.

In view

of the above, we were greatly surprised to learn about the apparent
displeasure on the part of the people of Utirik as expressed in
your letter.

One possible explanation for this difference in sentiment

with regard to Drs. Conard and Knudsen as expressed in your letter
could possibly be a misunderstanding as to their role and reasons to
come to the islands.

I would like to repeat that it is my firm conviction

that the principal concern of Drs. Conard and Knudsen is the welfare
and well-being of the Utirik people.

It is possible that such a

misunderstanding could easily result because of the difference in


I would appeal the Chiefs of Utirik to impress upon

their people the importance of the medical examinations and the
necessity to trust and cooperate with the American doctors.

Only then

can you and I be assured of good medical care for the people of Utirik.





Select target paragraph3