~3As stated earlier in this letter, many facts about radiation
were not known back in 1954 but the best medical judgment was used
in decisions affecting the people of Utirik.

Studying the same

problems now, with the knowledge we have today, it appears that the
doctors at that time were not aware of the degree of exposure of the
thyroid due to fallout.

This was especially true of the children

because their thyroid is much smaller.

So it is not surprising that

thyroid disease was not expected in the Utirik people.

Even more

important is that only very recently has information become available
from several sources that the thyroid gland,

especially in children,

is considerably more sensitive to the induction of radtatton-induced
b Y twsoblect Lia
tumorsthan was anticipated in the past.
Taking these factors together,

we can now, many years later, explain the incidence of malignant
thyroid glands in the Utirik people.

At this time it is impossible

to predict whether more cases are to be expected in the exposed
members of this population.

It is, therefore, of the greatest

importance that the regular medical examinations be continued in the

By having regular medical examinations, signs of thyroid

disease can be detected early and prompt treatment will avoid unnecessary
suffering on the part of the Utirik people.
For these reasons, I believe it is of great importance that the
Chiefs of Utirik explain to their people the significance of the




regular medical examinations.

Select target paragraph3