-?2from exposure, indicating that the exposure must have been considerably
less than was seen on Rongelap island.

Following the return to the island, it was decided that regular
medical examinations of the exposed people of Utirik were to be done.
Such examinations conducted at regular intervals were conducted to
assure that they had not been harmed.
1959, 1963, 1969, 1972 and 1975.

Examinations were done in 1957,

In addition to complete physical

examinations, thyroid examinations and sick calls were held every year.

in recent years there have been doctors visits to Utirik every

three months.
In conducting these medical examinations, a control group was
selected so that the doctors could compare exposed and non~exposed

This control group consists of unexposed people from Rongelap.

This group is considered quite adequate for comparison with the exposed
people of both Rongelap and Utirik.

The slight genetic difference

between the two populations was not considered a sufficient reason
to select a separate control group for Utirik.
One of your questions concerned the fact that the children of the
exposed islanders have not been included in the regular examination

This was done because large groups of children of exposed

parents have been studied elsewhere.

Since none of these studies

revealed any distinct genetic effects, it was felt that such a study
of the children on Utirik was not necessary.

Of course, children are

examined and treated as needed at sick calls whenever the doctors visit

Select target paragraph3