known to adsorb trivalent rare earths rapidly in the
particulate form from sea water’, and bismuth-207
probably would be adsorbed in a similar manner.

A possible mode of production of this isotope is

bismuth-209 (n-3n) bismuth-207. The D-T reaction
would result in neutrons with sufficient energy to
produce bismuth-207 by this method!.
F. G. Lowman *
R. F. PaLumMBo

Laboratory of Radiation Biology,
University of Washington,
Seattle, Washington.
“ Professor, Puerto Rico Nuclear Center, Colleve Station, Mayaguez,
Puerto Rico.
Sandell, EB, B.. Colorimetric Determination of Traces of Metals
(Interscience, New York. 1959).
? Kimura, K., and Ishimori, T.. Second Intern. Conf. Peaceful Uses
of Alomie Energy, 28, 151 (1958).
*Chipman. W, A.. Abst. Prog. Ren.. List Pub., ele., U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Serrice Radivisotope Lab., Beautort, N.C. (1956); Prog.
Rep, US. ish and Wildlife Service, Pishery Radiobiat. Eab.,
eaufort, N.C. (1956).

‘Seeger, P. A., Nuclear Phys., 25, 1 (1961).

Printed inGreat Britainby Fisher, Knight & Co,, Ltd., St. Albans.

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