Following the intensive medical studies initially, followup exeminations
of the Ronselap and Ailingnae people have been conducted eat 6 months and then
at annual intexvals in March.

Systematic and comparable examinations
of the
oa le ok

Rorgelap uncxpoced population wore started in 1955 end have been conducted
at least biennially.

People on Utirik hnve been seen at less frequent intere

The pediatric surveys have also included examination of all children

born after Macch 1954 to parent or parents exposcd to the fallout and to
parents in the uncxposed control group.

The children of

exposed parents noir

number &8 end children of non-exposed perents number 121.

The acute early effects of fallout radiation involved primarily the
skin, the heir, the gastro




mtestinel gs

stein and the hematopoietic tissues.

During the first 2-day period following exposure and before evecuation from
the island, itching and burning of the skin were noted.
with some vomiting elso occurred.
a few days with no recurrence.

Anorexia and nausea

These symptoms subsided promptly within

A tebuletion of incidence of these symptoms

(Table III) suggests that the gastrointestinal manifestations were more frequent and moze sevare among younge: children than among older children end
adults ji





Radiation burns resulting from deposits of fallout material on the shin
developed about 2 weeks after the exposure. Hyperpigmentation, cesquamation,
depigmantation, and, im severe cases
dng and replecantetion eceurred duving tha


Select target paragraph3