Subsequent to the return of Rougelsp people to their home island, the


body burdens of 13765, 6575 and 9°sr yose to lov levels, but these reached
equilibriua with environmental sources by 1961.

No effects from these iso-

topes have been datected?s9,

Populations Under Study
A total of 64 men, women and children were present on Rongelap Island.
The 18 who were exposed to fallout on Ailingnae were Rongelap inhabitants
who had gone to the edjacent atoll for fishing.
Shallese people received fallout radiation.

On Utirik Island, 157 Maz-

In addition, 28 American ser-

vicemen on Rongerik Island and 23 Japanese fishermen on the boat, “Lucky
Dragon," were subjected to sublethal doses of radiation from the fallout
(Table II).
In the Rongelap group, 12 of the 64 were under 5 years of age, 18 were
between 5 and 16 ycars, and 34 were over 16 years of age.
children, 19 were under the age of 10 years.
utero on Rongelap.

Four fetuses were exposed in

In the Ailingnze group, 6 of the 18 were children, all

under the age of 10 years.
of age and younser.

Among these

On Utirik, 63 of the 157 were children 15 years

Fifty-four of the 63 were under 10 years of age.

Rongelap was considered to be habitable in 1957.
people were transferred back to their home island.

At that time the

When repatriation toox

place, a group of about 200 unexposed people also moved to Rongelap.:


non-exposed group, rostly relatives and former inhabitants of the islend,

has served as the comparison population for the continuing studies of the
exposed people,

Awong ‘the non-exposed group, 48 wore under 10 years o £ ave

in Morch 1954 and 8 were between 10 end 15 years of agel®,





Select target paragraph3