Weee suctad up


Enenus:s of




an vapvodicted shift in wind direc:

redloactively contaminated fallout was deposited on Ronyolap, Allingnus

and Utirik atolls.

On Rongelep, the fallout was deseribed ag “snow-like" which coated the
ground aud vegetation and forned depos dts on the hair anc skin of the peopl:.

_Less dense "mist-like" fallout was noted

Ailingnze, some 49

on Ailingnae.

miles south of Rongelap, wes actually closer to Bikini but it was situated
more out of the line of the cloud passzrue.

No visibls evidence of fallout

was observed on Utirik, 250 miles from Bikini.
Fallout comnenced on Rongelap and Ailingnae 4 to 6 hours after the deton=
ation of the bomb.
the explesion.

The radioactive cloud reached Utirik about 22 hours after

Evacuation of

the contamin ated

islands was accomslishad ap-

proximately 48 hours after the commencemont of fallout


Exposure to radiation
involved whole body gemma dose from environment-

ally depos ited radioactive fission products, superficial dos es from beta and
soft ganna radiation and doses frou internal absorption (through inhalation

and ingestion) of radionuclides.
The extern al whole body pamna dose has been computed to be 175 rad on
Rongelap, 69 rad on Ailingnac and 14 rad on Utirik (Tabie I).

Based on

culations from radiochemical urine analyses » it has been estimated that the
. thyroid gland aceunulated about 11.2 uCi of 131, ,

lived isotopes, 121, 1337


ddition, the shorter-

ond 135), added considerably to the dese.


most proebeble dose to the thyroid gland of Rongelap Island children “Less

than 4 years of age has been

calevlated to

be in the range of 700 to 1400

Except for the thyroid gland, the dose from absorbed radioactive

material oopears to have been minimal with no discernible biclocies!] effects,7,


Select target paragraph3