organic matter, color, presence of

in two different containers.

large chunks,

gamna-spectrometry samples were



The samples were transferred to a

placed in tightly sealed "tuna

disposable aluminum cake pan and

cans" made of 0.25-mm-thick alumi-

covered with aluminum foil.



The large can was 3.9 cm high,

were punched in the top of the foil

8.3 cm in diameter, with a cross-

to permit evaporation.

sectional area of 53.8 em> and a

The samples were transferred to

volume of 210 cm?

preliminary drying ovens that were

was 3.3 cm high, 6.0 cm in diameter,

designed to handle about 200

with a cross-sectional area of


28.5 em” and a volume of 95 can?

These ovens were set at

The small can

a temperature of approximately

Soil-sample weights in these cans

70°C and operated contiunously.

ranged from 100 to 375 g.

The average. residence time per

samples for wet-chemistry analysis,

sample was 48 h.

each weighing approximately 50 @2,

To assure complete dryness, the

were placed in vials.

samples were placed in a second

vials was committed to chemical

oven at approximately 150°C;



One of the

and the other held as a

backup sample.

sample residence time averaged

about 3h.


The samples were transferred


to a

The gamma-spectrometry samples

were assayed for pross gamma counts

i-gal paint can and dry weights

with a 3 x 3-in. Nal (T1) detector;

were determined.

a 512-channel NaI (€T1) gamma

Sample weights

varied from 100 ¢ to 2 kg.

spectrum was measured

The samples were milled with eight

samples that exceeded 100 counts/

l-in steel grinding balls.





‘hese preliminary Nal


sample residence time in the ball

data guided the scheduling of more

mill was between 15 to 24 hr.

precise measurements with Ge(Li)

The soil was screened


stainless-steel screens

produce a uniform,


detectors and wet-chemistry proce-




More than 810 samples were processed

sample for analysis.

in the soil-preparation facility

The finely ground soil was prepared

between 4 September 1975 and 10

for gamma spectrometry and wet

October 1975 by an average working

chemistry analysis by placing it

force of 4.5 people.

vote ames ooo

Select target paragraph3