for the calculation of wet-chemistry-




tam concentrations.

Although the average 24d an:
and 241 23a 240

Pu dpm ratios

Comparisons of the Bikini soil, Eneu

of 1.11 + 8.1% and 0.512 + 7.9% are

soil, and Bikini vegetation are

different than those in the Bikini

presented in Tables 11, 12, and 13,

soils when compared on an atsolute



Only those samples

the deviations associeted

giving positive 241 and 239,240,

with the individual determinations

signals have been included.

indicate that the soil and vegetation


From Table 11 it is apparent





that the Bikini soils exhibit quite

consistent 241ns Pu Yatios regardless of the profile depth.


Mean isotopic atom ratios of

the agreement among the mean

24054 and 241oy to 2395 have been

ratios for the various profiles

calculated from the individual mass

is rather remarkable.

Spectrometric results.

Results indi-

cate that the average dpm ratios of
244ni py and 24dye 239 t2 40, on

These ratios

from the various sample types and
sampling locations are presented in

the island are quite specific and are

Table 14.

1.17 + 8.1% and 0.550 + 8.1%,

activity ratios as determined from


the mean atom ratios and half-lives

Table 12,

As evidenced in

Also included are the

listed in Table 4.

there is also excellent

Soil results from

agreement among the Eneu soil samples.

the two islands are indistinguishable.

Although the total number of samples

Statistically, the soil and vegetation

is considerably less, there is no

results are in agreement... The absolute

appreciable variation with profile

differences between the 240 pu

For Eneu Island soil samples,
the 241.2395, and 2412394240, |

soil and vegetation results show the
difficulties associated with the

dpm ratios are 1.08 + 3.0% and

measurement of minor isotope in

0.512 + 3.6%, respectively.

samples with low concentrations.


cally, there is no difference between

Extensive experience in mass spectro-~

the 241 to Pu concentration ratios

metry has shown that for low level

of these two islands.

samples such as vegetation, measure-—

Bikini vegeta-

tion ratios in Table 13 are in

ment of minor isotopes wil] be biased

reasonable statistical agreement as

higher than

indicated by the fact that the average

To construe that the differences in

dpm ratios exhibit lower deviations

soil and vegetation are an indication

than any of the individual determina-

of fractionation would be erroneous.


WD 50 0052

the actual concentrations.

Select target paragraph3