




purpa, end hypoxia due to enem4a, any one of which may be fatel,

Meany detailed -

descriptions of the pathogenesis of these phenomena have been published (1-4,12-16).
The above picture

of radistion syndromes is based on animal experimentation;

however, human experience particularly as observed at Hiroshima and Nagasaki and
in the Marshallese natives has indicated that man probably corresponds quite
closely to the general marmalian response outlined above with the exception of
some differences in time cf occurrence.

The CNS apparently was not observed by

the Japanese at Hiroshina and Nazgesaki.

Cne weuld not expect it to have been

observed since doses to produce this syndrome were well within the area of almost
total destruction,

The GIS with deaths in the first week are well documented

clinically and patholosically as are deaths from the HS.

However in the case of man,

desths from infection were most prevalent in the second to fourth weeks (maximum
incidence during the third week) and from hemorrhazic phenomena in the third to the

sixth weeks (maximum incidence in the fourth week).

In the Japanese, after the

bembing of Hiroshima and Megercaki, deaths from radiation injuries were occurring as
lete as the seventh week,

This is in contrast to other animals where deaths from

the acute phase are uncomion after the 30th day.
Predictions of the effects of various doses of gamma radiation are essential

to military and civil defense planning.

If the absolute sensitivity of man to

rediation were known, and if it were practical to determine the dose to groups
under catastrophe conditions, a realistic statistical prognosis could be made.

Fowever, these predictions cannot be made accurately at the present time,


invclved with estimation of dose received by the individual, present real practical

It is probable that dose estimates will be evailable from dosinetry

devices or-from dose contour lines and the position cof individuals during exposure.

The difficulties of relying heavily on the dose estinates for a single individual
are apparent. -The exact position of the individual and the degree co skielding


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