

Effects of radiation exposure on fertility is difficult to assess in the

If there has been any effect on fertility it must have been very short

lived since pregnancies are occurring normally and at rete similar to other groups
of Marshallese,

There bas been’no apparent effects of radiation on the course of pregnancy
in the Marshallese.

Since the delivery of the four women who were pregnant at the

time cf the event, there have been twelve pregnancies which have terminated.


of these términated normally, one terminated in a stillbirth and one baby died
several hours after birth apparently of an infection of the cord,
tal statistics makes this data difficult to interpret.

The leck of

Hewever it does not

appear that this incidence cf still births 4s greater than that of other comparable
netive groups in the mid Pacific area.
Effects on the Fetus
The three babies irradiated in-utero have not shown any abnormalities such
as wes observed in ome of the Japanese tabies irradiated in-utero (for example

Growth end Developvment

On each resurvey the exposed and control children have heen metched forage
and sex,

Measirements on growth and developzent heve been carried out.

neéasurements have been incompletely anelysed as yet.


Since the nuabers of children

are small the data is not easily subjected to statistical analysis.

However there

does appear to be evidence suggestive of a slight inpedrment of growth and development as meesured by comparison of height and weight in the control and exposed children,

Ko abnormalities of the eyes have been observed.
Shorteningof Life Sran

Inmimals the evidence for shortening of life span is quite good,


It is

Select target paragraph3