were contaminated; they inhaled and obviously ingested certain indeterzinate amounts

of material,




The body burdens of isotopes in these individuals was evaluated by radio chemical

analysis of the urine of the exposed people and assisted by studies on swine,


swine were removed from the island at a later date.

The urinary and fecal excretion

was studied and ultimately the animals vere killed.

Extensive radio chenicals anslysisz

were made of their entire bodies.

By comparison approximations of body burdens of

radionuclides was made.
| Rare and alkeline earths accounted for about 70% of the urine activity.

tium 89 was about at the maximum pernissable level at one day.


Iodine 132 and other

members of the iodine family which had to be present early, resulted in a dose of
rediation to the thyroid glands, estimated between 100 and 150 rep.
must be added the penetrating external gamma component.
barely detectable in the urine.

To this of course,

By 6 months radiation vas

At 2 years from analysis of pooled urine samples

and individual samples very tiny amounts of Sr90, Ca49, pr. and Cs were present*,
The results of the three year rediochemical analysis of tke urines that were recently

collected are not completed as yet.

It was believed that the body burdens of these

people was very low and probably biologically insignificant,

However it was decided to

bring some of the individuals to the United States for study with the total body gamma

counter at the Argonne Kational Laboratory.

This decision was mede not because of

any fear but beGause the analysis of the urine and the animal analysis was an indim
ect means to obtain probable body burdens.

It was obviously desireable to obtain a

firm direct measurement of the body turden from the scientific standpoint and to
determine the precise body burdens.

Four individuals from the Rongelap group, two

from the Utirik group and one control Marshallese (a total of 7) were trought to the
United Stefes and taken to the Argonne Neticnal Laboratory.

There , under the direction

of Drs, Marinelli, Rose and Miller the tote] body gemma activity was measured.



Studies performed both at U, S. Naval Radiological Defense Laboratory and Walter
Reed Army Medical Center.



Select target paragraph3