

‘previous exposure to irrediation.







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During the 4th and 5th exposure weeks an epidenie of

upper respiratory infection,occurred,

The respiratory infection consisted of noderate

malaise, pharyngitis with prominent lymphoid follicles, fever during the first day
and a surulent nasal and tracheal discharge for about 10 days.

It was of interest

to determine whether this respiratory infection could be correlated with the dose
of radiation received or changes in the leukocyte count,

There was no correlation

The respiratory infection in the medical personnel involved in the care and study
of the irradiated individuals was similar in incidence and severity.

Clinical Observations and Platelet Counts

Fleven individuals had platelet counts that fell es low as 35,000 to 65,000/am3,
All individuals with platelet counts less than 100,000 per mm?

were examined daily

for evidence of henorrhage into the skin, cucuous menbranes and retina,
examined daily for red cells and albumin.
ive menstruation.

Urine was

Women were questioned concerning excess=

The only evidence for any undue bleeding were two women who men

struated profusely at the time of their maximum platelet depression.

It was not

sufficient to cause them concern and subsided without any specific treatment,
The Effects on Pregnancy
Four women in the Rongelap group were pregnant when brought to Kwajalein.
Two were in the first trimester, one in the second trimester and one in the third

There were roa bnormal symptoms referable to pregnancy.

could be determined the pregnancy continued in the normal fashion.

group, one vonanwas in the second trimester,
individual in the third trimester.

In the Ailinginae

Fetal movements were unaffected in the

The pregnant women had a marked depression of

risatelet counts but at no time was there any vaginal bleeding.
reexanination of the above women all had delivered.

were norrel,

As far as

At the twelve month

Cne baby was born dead the others

In the case of the one stillborn, irradiation occurred to the mother

either before conception or early in the first tricester.

It is possible that the

irrsdiation may have contributed but there is no way to prove this.

Select target paragraph3