on March 1, 1954.




Following detonation, unexpected changes in the wind structure

deposited radioactive materials on inhabited atolls and on ship of Joint Task Force
#7 which was conducting the tests,

Radiation surveys of the areas revealed injurious

radiation levels; therefore evacution was ordered, and was carried out as quickly as
possible with the facilities available,

Althouth the estimated accimulated doses

to human beings were believed to be below dangerous levels that would produce lasting
injury or mortality the Commander of the Task Force requested assistance of the
Depyrtment of Defense and the United States Atomic Energy Comnission.

A nedical team

was requested which would be organized to provide the best possible care of the ex-

posed persons and to make a medical study of the exposures,

The responsibility for

organization of the medical team was shared between the A.med Forces Special Weapons
Project D, 0. D. and the Division of Biology amd Medicine, United States Atomic Fnergy

Since speed was essential and since the United States Navy Medical De~

partment had experienced personnel evailable at the Naval Medical Research Institute
and the United States Naval Rediological Defense Laboratory, the Surgeon General of
the Department of the Navy was requested to provide assistance.

He promptly complied

and directed the organization of a team from the two above mentioned Uboratories.
had the privilege to be the director of this team,


Within a perfod of three days equip=-

ment was assembled and packed and the team was airlifted to the Marshall Islands
arriving on the 8th day after the explosion.

The interim care and study of the ex

posed individuals had been ably taken care of by the limited medical facilities of the
‘United States Naval Station, Kwajalein.

JI am pleased to call attention to the fact

of the very high degree of coopernztion between all government agencies concerned and
to the mmerous individuals wo selflessly gave of their time and efforts.

The num.

ber is large and due credit and acknowledgments are given in the official report of

the incidence published by the United States Government Printing Office and listed
in ‘reference (2).

The radioactive material fell on the inhabited atolls of Rongelap, the heaviest



Select target paragraph3