Jive tos’.

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Cela Proving
Seeman anc
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Past Mugu
wvo at the
NAMTC, Point

4 single-stege ASP was Leunched on 7 January at dSPG to determine
cents Yor the presont ASP desien.

Good date tore sbtainec,

On & January, a two-stago vehicle, consisting of an ASP and tue Leki.
motors, Was flown,

The Lokits ignited on schedule, bui the expected alti~

tude was not obtained,

It vas believed that the second stage ignition

ciming might not have been optimun,

The head dic net separate.


Gid not


Another ASP with two Loki's was launched cn 17 Janusry.

pnite and the heed did not separate.

The Leki's

Programmer failure was be-

lieved to be the cause of these malfunctions.
On 22 January, en ASP with two Loki's was leunched at the NAM?
Point Mugu.

Botn Loki’s ignited on echedule, the head separated, and both

parachutes deployed properly.

Photographic coverage was excellent.

motor section was recovered, but the head was not.


It is not known whether

the flotation system failed or the recovery ship simmly did not locate the

Peak altitude was considerably less than was expected.
The fifth test was conducted at NAMTC on 23 January, using essentially

the same vehicle.

The Leki's ignited on schedule, end the head separated

No data were obtained from the ground equipment at Mugu util

the final 2 or 3 minutes of the flight.

Radar coverage during this period

shoved that the second stage chute head not deployed.
A test employing an ASP with two stages of tvo Loki's each ia planned,
It was decided to mount the head on the four Loki’s and deploy the ASP at



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