whe 7

Bikini Visit:

It had been thought unwise for the medical team to visit Bikini on

this survey in view of the Bikini legal suit pending and the earlier ad-

verse criticism by the Bikini people at Kili. However, just prior to
the survey the people living at Bikini sent a letter requesting that the
medical team visit Bikini routinely and indications were that that group
did not share the sentiments of their brethren. living on Kili. The
people's lawyer, Mr. G, Allen, agreed to the reinstitution of the medical
visits. After conferring with ERDA representatives it was agreed that
the team should visit Bikini but with careful explanation to the people
of reasons for being there.
On arrival at Bikini Island we were greeted warmly and held a meeting with the Bikini people in one of the empty houses. Dr. J. Iaman
acted as interpreter. Briefly, the following points were made:
1) We
appreciated the confidence of the people in asking us to return. 2) The
levels of radiation at Bikini and Enyu Islands are not high enough to
constitute a hazard to the health of the people living and working there,
and so ERDA sees no requirement for medical examinations or medical monitoring of the Bikini people. 3) Following the Rongelap examinations it
is often convenient for the doctors to go to Bikini when our ship is here
for survey purposes. When visiting here our doctors are glad to hold
sick calls and assist the Trust Territory in general health care of the
people. Our doctors do not come here to examine for radiation effects,
since there is no need for such examinations. 4) ERDA does have a responsibility to continuing checks on the inhabited islands in order to
be sure that things we have done and are doing are effective in keeping
radiation exposures to a minimm. These checks include measurements of
the soil, air, water, plants, animals and fish. In addition, one of the
most effective sensitive checks is a check of the people themselves.
Radioactive materials can be detected in the body in such small quantities
that they have no significance to health. Using sensitive instruments and
taking samples of urine we can find out if radiation is entering the people's
body andif necessary make additional recommendations for the people's protection.
These measurements have been and will continue to be made on Bikini people
who are willing to participate. However, our doctors are not needed to
make these measurements. 5) We are here today because you asked us to
come and give general medicalcare to the people. Doctors Knudsenand
Kotrady will remain several days to do this. If the people wish we will
continue to visit Bikini whenever our doctors are nearby.
Following these explanations there were some questions by the people
most of which we believe we were able to adequately answer. Very briefly,

some of the questions asked and subjects discussed were: Why has fish
poisoning increased since their return? Is this related to the bomb?

Why are breadfruit and pandanus restricted? (The people have been eating
some); Why were they not told not to eat them on their return?
(Lack of
availability of such fruits at that time was pointed out). Also discussed were radiation levels on Bikini compared with other areas of the
world and urine analyses and whole body counts as an index of internal

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