

Nutrition appeared to be reasonably good with the possible exception of
people living on Bikini. Many babies and young children were examined
and treated at sick calls on the outer islands. Skin infections, otitis,
upper respiratory infections were commonly seen. No deaths from cancer
or other causes were reported in the Rongelap people during the past
year. Preliminary review of blood counts and physical examinations did
not reveal any evidence of leukemia. Venereal disease is not uncommon
and sera were collected on all Rongelap people for test for syphilis
to be done at the Commmicable Disease Center at Atlanta. Gonorrhea
is being surveyed separately by the Trust Territory. Skin test for
tuberculosis were done on the Rongelap people. The prevalence of
positive reactions was somewhat lower than expected (19%). As previously noted diabetes (middle age onset type) is prevalent and a number of
glucose tolerance tests were run as a continuation of this study.
Reading glasses (a gift of "New Eyes For The Needy") were distributed
at Utirik, Rongelap and Bikini and were gratefully received by the people.
Tooth brushes were distributed to all individuals on Utirik and Rongelap
and a Peace Corp representative on each island promised to instruct the
people in their use.
Thyroid Findings:

Table 1 summarizes the thyroid findings to date. Examinations this
year revealed one new thyroid nodule in a 36 year old exposed Rongelap
woman and 3 new ones in exposed Utirik people (male 36, females 56 and 59).
The Rongelap case and the two Utirik cases will be brought to BNL in the
near future for examinations and possible surgery. The other new nodule
in the Utirik group will be observed under treatment. Two new nodules
were found in the unexposed Rongelap people making a total of 5.3% in
that group. These cases will also be observed following hormone treatment. Thyroid surveys of people living on Wotje and unexposed Utirik

people revealed an expected prevalence of nodules, 4.4% and 3.6%.

In view of the indications of slightly reduced thyroid function in
some of the exposed people without clinical evidence of thyroid abnormalitites, a new sensitive test of thyroid function was done,by measuring
TSH response 20 minutes after an injection of TRH (chyro@veteksing
hormone) which is now available. Tested were 9 exposed Rongelap with 7
unexposed matched for age and sex, 13 exposed Utirik people in the youngest age group with 8 unexposed controls matched for age and sex. These
sera are being analyzed by Dr. R. Larsen at Peter Bent Brigham Hospital.
Examinations at Tripler Hospital:
The 3 cancer cases from Rongelap were examined at Tripler Army Medical
Center following the survey. Thyroid studies revealed no evidence of thyroid cancer. In one case (#18, age 42), however, a tumor was noted in the

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