of pigmentation, depigmentation and repigmentation. About 90% of the
people had these burns but most of them were superficial in nature aad
healed rapidly. About 15% of the people had deeper skin lesions whiecd,
have iteft some degree of scarring and pigment aberrations. Temporary
Spotty epilation of the head was noted in most people. Though a fee
benign moles have appeared in areas of severe burns, no evicence of any
malignant lesions of the skin has been apparent.
Internal abso’ Tien of radioactive material occurred .a the

Rongelap people as a result of their living in a contaminated environment
for the 2 days before their evacuation. They absorbed Fission products
in the food and water that they consumed. Radiochemical urine analyses
revealed the presence of various radioisotopes, chicf of which were
strontium and iodine (See Table II).

The dose to che thyroid gland from

radioiodines is discussed in a later section. Except for the thyroié
gland the dose to the bone and other organs appeared to have been miszimal
with no acute effects noted. By 6 months the urinary excretions indicated
greatly reduced body burdens. When the people were returned to Rongelap
in 1957 a slight residual radioactive contamination of the island resulted
in the accumulation of detectable but low body burdens of 137¢5, 6573 and

No effects from these isotopes have been observed.

Several later findings, prior to the development of thrroid

abnormalities, have been noted, some of which may have been relatad

to their radiation exposure.
During the 15 years since the accident
tue exposed people nave remained generally in good health (except for
thyroid related abnormalities) with no greater incidence of illness

or degenerative diseases than that seen in tiie unexposed populations
examined. Though the death rate has been somewhat higher ia the exposed
people there has been no definite correlation of cause of ceath with
radiation exposure.

A somewhat greater percentage of older people is

the exposed group partly accounts for this discrepancy.


of a number of recognized aging parameters in order to arrive at

“biological age score" have failed to reveal any evidence for prematzcre

aging in the exposed as compared with the unexposed people of the sexe age.
No leukemia has been seen.
The occurrence of 3 cases of cancer in
the exposed group (1 of the thyroid giend and 2 of the femaie genitai

tract) presents a higher incidence in the exposed group, but due to the
small numbers of people involved, final decision on this point must
await the results of future observations.

Based on birth rates, fertility has been about the same in the
exposed as compared with the unexposed population. However abourc twice

the number of miscarriages and stillbirths occurred in the exposed wonen
during the first 4 years after exposure. Fetal abnormalities did not

SoG 1b 78

Select target paragraph3