Ecological Studies
Plans have been made for a long-term study of the effects of environmental conditiogs and
processes on plant and animal life on Rongelap Atoll and in adjacent waters. An effort wll also
be made to determine the relationship between biological systems of the land and the se
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Climatic data will be collected on temperature, rainfall, light intensities, wind, and relative
humidity. Indigenous soll factors will be analyzed by mapping of soll and radiation patte
and aquatic features will be studied in both fresh and salt water. An inventory of plant

animal life will include the determination of species association; mapping of vegetation

terns; plant and animal population studies; study of the production, utilization, exchange ,fand

transfer of mineral and organic materials between the land and sea; sampling of the lag

bottom; and sampling for radioactivity in selected plants and animals. This study is expdcted
to begin about the time the Rongelap people are returned to their homeisland.

By formal agreement with the American Institute of Biological Sciences, AEC has afranged

lecture and consult with students during three- to five-day visits at nearby institutions.
first visits were made during March, but the program is not expected to be in full operafi


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until the fall semester of 1957. (End of UNCLASSIFIED section.)



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