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Project 2.66 - Early Cloud Penetration ~ Col. E. A. Pinson
To collect and evaluate data relating to radiation dose rate vs

time in radioactive clouds from thermonuclear weapons.
To measure and evaluate the radiation hazards associated with the
residual contamination on aircraft which have flown through thermonuclear
clouds at early times after detonation,
To measure the turbulence in a thermonuclear cloud at early times
after detonation.
Radiation dose rate inside the cloud vs time after detonation.


The extent and quality of the residual contamination on the aircraft after landing.

Three B-57 aircraft, instrumented to measure radiation dose rate,
integrated dose, and turbulence were flown through portions of the cloud

and stem at times of H # 59, 68 and 75 minutes for CHEROKEE at altitudes
varying from 38,000 to 46,000 feet.

These penetrations were all "Nip"

penetrations in which the pilot flies into the cloud, makes a 180 degree

turn and flies out of the cloud.

The time in the radioactive cloud

varied from 2 to 4 minutes,

The dose rate and integrated dose in the cloud and on the return
flight due to residual contamination on the aircraft are measured by a
dose rate instrument and integrated dose meter.
instruments are recorded by a Photo


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The readings of these

The Photo Panel includes a

Select target paragraph3